Hi – are there any readers out there? 🙂 Well, I’ve finally done it… I’ve finally bitten the bullet and started a blog. I’ve toyed with the idea for a while, but now I am starting to apply for CTs (Creative Teams) for various scrapbooking designers and I need a place where I can showcase my work.
So, that’s what this blog will be… a place to showcase my scrapbooking work. But, I’ll also throw in photos now and again, things about knitting, stamping, card making, and just life in general sometimes. So, I guess this will just be a catchall for my random and scattered thoughts and interests! 🙂
Thanks for going on the journey with me! Feel free to leave me a comment and let me know if you are out there and reading, would ya? Oh, and I’m still in the construction phase of the blog, so please pardon the appearance! OK, that’s all for now… more soon! Y Tracy
Hi Tracy! I linked up your blog already!