Team Member Since October 2009
My Creative Team Lead, Stacy, is a native Texan who moved to Oklahoma after marrying her husband. Even though Stacy likes that Oklahoma is a lot less crowded and more relaxing than her native home of Houston, she will always be a Texan at heart. When she has the opportunity to visit her family back in Texas, she says her heart still sings every time she crosses the Red River. Speaking of family, Stacy is the mother of one human child and four furry ones (3 senior cats and a senior dog). She is passionate about animal rescue and welfare and looks forward to the day when she can register with her local humane society as a foster parent for animals in need. Stacy and I are kindred spirits in many ways, but our faith and our passion for animal welfare are two things that bonded us from the day we met.
When she isn’t scrapbooking, Stacy enjoys honing her photography skills. She’s a former teacher/librarian and calls herself a bookworm who doesn’t have enough time to read all of the books on her “to be read” list. Nowadays, she enjoys volunteering at two of the libraries in her daughter’s school district, as well as serving on the school’s PTO. After church on Sundays she likes to hit her favorite thrift shop and go out to a late lunch with her family.
Stacy has eclectic taste in many areas, including books, movies, music and television shows. She’s a big Tolkien fan (and loves the Lord of the Rings movie trilogy) but is equally happy taking in a historical fiction novel, such as Home Before Morning by Lynda Van Devanter or young adult dystopian fiction like Ann Aguirre’s Razorland Trilogy. When she has time to watch TV, she enjoys some of the programs on Food Network, as well as true crime shows like Lt. Joe Kenda: Homicide Hunter, and animal welfare programs such as Pit Bulls and Parolees. Among the causes she supports, she counts the Leukemia-Lymphoma Society, the MD Anderson Cancer Center, Justice Rescue in New Jersey, Reed’s Foundation, and Operation Ava.
Like many of us, Stacy entered the scrapbooking hobby as a traditional paper scrapper (especially the buying stuff part). Then, her husband bought her a copy of Scrapbook Factory Deluxe, which was an introduction to digital scrapbooking, although she was quickly frustrated that she couldn’t customize things the way she wanted. That led her to look for more help online in 2007… and after she found it, she was hooked for good. Stacy loves that digital scrapbooking allows you to easily change your mind about the things on your page – she makes plenty of use of the ‘undo’ and ‘delete’ options! Her strengths include her great shadowing techniques and her ability to “think outside the box” and use a themed kit for a page about some other theme entirely (actually… this is a skill I envy most)!
Stacy could not live without her family and friends, her pets, freedom of religion, books and learning. Oh, and hot & spicy kosher dill pickles! She hopes her legacy will be that of a good wife, mother, and friend who did her best to do the right thing and was true to her beliefs. Here are a few of the beautiful layouts she has completed as a member of my creative team: